About the LTC

The Learning and Teaching Center sponsors conversations, encourages reflection, and offers a venue for classroom innovations that bear on the challenges and opportunities of education at a distinctive liberal arts college. The goal of the LTC is to join student insights with faculty perspectives in an ongoing discussion about the reliable and the elusive elements that foster and constrain learning.

Our hope is that this mutual conversation will help our community to understand better the many kinds of effective teaching and the many styles of fruitful learning. Both the director and the assistant to the coordinator of the LTC are available to faculty and students for a wide variety of services.

The LTC was established in 1992, the result of work done by a faculty-student committee. It was begun, in part, by a grant from the Archibald Bush Foundation. An endowment from the Bush Foundation now supports the Coordinator position in the LTC in the form of an endowed chair titled the Humphrey Doerman Professor of Liberal Learning.

We are named the Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching thanks to a generous endowment from Lawrence Perlman to support the operations of the center.